“I believe [DeVos’s confirmation hearing] may have been one the most embarrassing performances by a nominee in the history of the United States Senate. We would not accept a secretary of defense who couldn’t name the branches of the military. We wouldn’t accept a secretary of state who couldn’t identify Europe on a map.”

Sen. Al Franken, Minnesota

Yesterday’s confirmation of Betsy DeVos as the Secretary of Education was a travesty (even if it was expected). DeVos made her feelings regarding public education and equality abundantly clear over my many years in Michigan—it’s truly frightening to think what she will attempt to do at the national level in an official capacity.

Anyone who watched her confirmation hearing would have to acknowledge that she was utterly destroyed. It was obvious she knew virtually nothing about the position she was asked to fill, but to make matters worse she clearly didn’t put any effort into the preparation. She behaved like simply showing up would get her the job, and, tragically, she was right.

I have a hard time believing that those who voted for her truly believed she was qualified. Sadly, their votes were political, and this is a prime example of politicians supporting their “party” as opposed to doing what is really best for the country. That’s more sickening than the fact that she was nominated in the first place.